Birmingham Translation Services

Birmingham Translation Services provides professional translation services in Birmingham, UK


Birmingham Translation Services provides professional translation services in Birmingham and throughout the United Kingdom via Translator UK’s network. For over a decade, we’ve proudly provided translation services to thousands of clients worldwide. Whether for innovative start-ups, large global enterprises or varying diverse industries, Birmingham Translations Services has met each demand no matter how unique the needs.

Guaranteed Unique Quality

With our optimised processes, we support the UK’s best translators with advanced quality assurance processes. Each project that you submit to our team will be handled by professionals who are certified in the language pairs that you need and have experience in your industry so you can rest assure that your translations will be error-free and make sense to your readers.

On-Time Delivery

Birmingham Translations Services offers only the best performance levels in the industry. Our advanced workflow guarantees completion of your translations and deadlines met. We’ve been providing translations services to clients in Birmingham, the United Kingdom and throughout the world, based on our own high standards of client/customer care.

Selection Process

Birmingham Translation Services works with expert translators from around the world to give you access to the knowledge and expertise for each translation project. As a professional translation agency, we receive hundreds of CVs from qualified translators every single day. It is our responsibility to go through each CV and handpick the most qualified. Our clients know and trust us simply because our innovative platform combines a convenient online ordering system and project management software so you can enjoy excellent quality, fast turnaround and great value on each order.

At Birmingham Translation Services, the process in place is straightforward, which allows us to give you the finished project in the fastest amount of time possible. Once we select, our translators, we take the process one step further. We always follow up with a set of sample translations for them to perform, which ensures us they are as good as they say they are. Finally, to conclude our process, only the best of the best is then added to our database, which includes their specific specialities (e.g. legal, technical, medical, scientific, technological, etc.) that are also noted.

When a new project for one of our clients comes in, we then offer the new translator the opportunity to perform the job and ask them for their best price possible. When the job is done, we then utilise one of our leading proof-readers to verify their work and inform the translator themselves (and us) of any discrepancies and/or amendments that needs to be made. If there is a large amount of these, the translator is immediately dropped from our database and a suitable replacement is recruited.

Most Popular Language Pairs as of March 2025
English to Spanish Translation Spanish to English Translation
English to Russian Translation Russian to English Translation
English to French Translation French to English Translation
English to Arabic Translation Arabic to English Translation

Volume of Translation Possible

This varies greatly depending on the language pair involved quite simply as this relates directly to supply and demand. As an example, we have previously translated over 200,000 words in one day from Spanish to English (although this is of course not recommended), yet we were unable to translate 50,000 words from Finnish to Japanese within the same day. Our company policy, in order to ensure the highest quality and consistency throughout all the work, is to not give any one translator more than 2,500 words (varies for Asian languages) per day. If your project is small, it is always best to give us enough time to perform the work with this limit in mind. Otherwise, we utilise a series of translators, appointing one to act as “lead” (who coordinates with the others to develop a working glossary for continuity of terminology throughout the document(s) and then to proof-read the entire text from all translators). The lead translator will always be available for follow-up both with us and with the client direct for any Q&A needed.

Types of Translations

If you have searched for an online translation services in Birmingham, then you know that it is not difficult to find a solution on the Internet. However, while there are many professional translators, knowing who to trust can be tricky. Birmingham Translation Services, however, only assigns you with the experienced native speakers of your language.

We feel it is also our job to help organisations come up with meaningful communications through a useful platform that combines digital technology with human expertise. Through this, creating a one-of-a-kind experience for users become possible.

The bottom line is, you need the best translations without wasting time or money, therefore we are here to support your business, and we are committed to providing you with unmatched speed, accuracy, and quality for all your online translation orders.

Here are just a few of the different types of content that customers just like you order from Birmingham Translation Services for their professional translation needs:

Translation Technologies Used

In today's competitive marketplace many other agencies operating in the United Kingdom (and around the world for that matter) are doing all that they can do in a short period of time to cut costs and bring the overall price down. Unfortunately, this means sacrificing both the quality and the ability to meet deadlines for their clients. The following Q&A should hopefully explain how we work.

Do you use Google Translate?

We never use automated translation software of any kind. Automated translations software might be a very handy tool for people to use to get a general idea of text in a foreign language, but the technology is simply not there yet to use Google Translate (or any similar services) in any way. Let us assure you that any type of translation professional would never use Google Translate.

I have a small document in English that I need translated into another language; who will be doing that for me?

In this situation, the individual that will be doing the work and/or proofreading, prior to sending to the client will be all the following:

What types of translations software do you use?

To help with accuracy and speed, our translators utilise a few common software during their everyday work. The two most common types of software used are:

Translation Memory Software (such as Trados)

This software works in similar way to Google Translate. However, it is the translator’s own translations that are “remembered” by the software. One prime example of this is once a phrase or sentence has been translated, the next time that same phrases or sentence appears in a project, they will be suggested to use the same translation again.

Basically, with large translation projects many will include repetitive words / phrases (e.g. compilations of financial statements, user manuals repeating the same text over and over with model number changes, etc. and utilising translation memory software, we can quote a far lower price for repetitions then for new words.

OCR Applications

This refers to Object Character Recognition and is an extremely useful tool for documents that have been scanned and/or any type of document that the client does not have the soft copy of. With an OCR application, documents can be converted to text – editable format, such as Microsoft Word and vice versa. With larger archives of documents, scanning them alone isn’t efficient for most companies, as they require the content and not just a picture of the document.

Our translators use many different OCR applications. For your reference one of the more popular with translators is Abby PDF converter.

What if the text I need translated is very specialised (e.g. a paper on thermonuclear dynamics)? Do you have translators in-house for everything?

Employing translators to cover every subject matter would be impossible. Our database has thousands of translators within it, and if we do not have a translator in our database for your specific needs, we will use our network of additional resources and agency contacts throughout the world to find them for you.

The managing director of Birmingham Translation Services had this to say about a particular translation for a large European organisation in 2018: “I consider myself to be a fairly well-versed individual with a stronger command of the English language than most; however after reading and re-reading the 2,500 word document over 10 times I was not able to fully understand more than 2 sentences and had I not known the title, I could not have even hazarded a guess at the true meaning of the text”. Birmingham Translation Services successfully translated that same text into 27 different languages all to the highest standard.

What about highly confidential documents? Can I trust you?


Generally, we do thousands of documents each week that are indeed highly confidential. Most major companies around the UK depend on us for highly sensitive information, which usually involves major transactional and financial information. We’ve also translated documents for a wide variety of organisations that includes government bodies, NGO’s and corporate clients.

We have a very high standard, and Birmingham Translation Services, upon request, is happy to send an NDA and our management team can be made available to peruse and sign off on your own NDA should you wish.

Birmingham Translations Services are fully GDPR compliant and documentation regarding this compliance is available upon request.

I want to know more about the translation services you offer in Birmingham.

Great! We can't wait to hear from you! Call or email us now, and one of our project managers will be glad to answer your questions.